B&C sustainability report is out. Discover it here.

We strongly believe in a holistic approach that considers ecological, social and economic dimensions.
One of our greatest prides remains our commitment to sustainability. This commitment began 25 years ago and has only grown stronger over time, in our production and operating methods, in the content of our products and, of course, in our partnerships with the biggest environmental and supporting fair fashion development organisations. In the last two years, we have taken another step forward by appointing 4 in-house staff members whose mission is entirely dedicated to sustainability issues. We have also become a signatory to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals, which will undoubtedly guide us in the future. Because we believe that sustainability is not just about Organic Cotton – far from it. All the B&C collection is produced, transported, or stocked in a way that better respects people, and the planet (using less water, fewer pesticides or less energy). It is with this in mind, with great pride in the projects we have already accomplished and great motivation for the challenges ahead, that we are publishing our first sustainability report this year.
Discover it here!