Audits to guarantee sustainability of (y)our products

How do we practice what we preach when it comes to sustainability? Thanks to regular internal and external audits, we make sure that our products are produced in the best possible circumstances. This is how we conduct them.
B&C aims at sustainability
The fashion industry has often been under scrutiny for poor labour conditions or human rights violations.
But not B&C! We have consciously opted to invest in sustainability, offering you quality and the guarantee of good conduct.
That’s why we are member of the Fair Wear Foundation, a multi-stakeholder non-profit organisation guiding more than 140 textile brands to improve labour conditions in the garment industry. At the same time, we are member of amfori BSCI, that encompasses environmental conditions in their Code of Labour Practice.
It’s more than just words
Fair Wear Foundation regularly and independently audits B&C and its partner factories. Based on discussions with the management, thorough inspections of the factories and anonymous interviews with workers, detailed corrective actions are proposed to further improve the situation. This helps them reach excellence step by step. We’re very proud that these diligent ongoing actions mean that we are now A Fair Wear Foundation Leader.
Additionally, amfori BSCI audits are also conducted in our partner factories according to their standards. The requirements demand a strong commitment and involvement from all B&C departments. Our team of 22 people in Dhaka is key to closely monitor the progress of our factories. Our colleagues visit all factories almost on a daily basis. This helps to monitor the social standards are maintained, but also that no subcontracting is happening…

99% of our production from audited factories
By partnering with the Fair Wear Foundation and amfori BSCI, we work together to improve the social and environmental performance of our supply chain. Thanks to regular audits and Corrective Action Plans follow-ups,we don’t have only one picture of our sustainability per year, but a continuous overview of the respect for people, product and planet throughout our production lines.
In total, 99% of the garments produced for B&C come from externally, independently audited factories. To put things in perspective, the minimum monitoring threshold requirement to be long-term member of the Fair Wear Foundation is 80%. So, we take the sustainability of (y)our garments very seriously.

How to we keep track of sustainability?
95% of our team are locals and the head of our B&C Asian Office has a 25+ years of experience in Asia. Our Compliance Manager is a former Senior Auditor, and she drives consistent, efficient checks, follow-up and improvement processes. With the support of our team based in Europe and the Asian office, we make sure (y)our products are socially and environmentally sound.