Benefíciese de nuestras relaciones a largo plazo con nuestros socios

B&C tiene una fuerte presencia local en su mercado principal de abastecimiento. De esta forma, llegamos a alianzas genuinas con nuestros proveedores. Esto es beneficioso para nuestra/su ropa, pero también para las personas y para nuestro planeta.
25 años de experiencia de B&C y vínculos estrechos
Menos es más. Por eso B&C, desde el principio, prefiere trabajar con un número limitado de fábricas asociadas para suministrar nuestra ropa. Cooperamos solamente con 11 proveedores: 8 en Bangladés, 2 en China y 1 en Pakistán. El 95 % de nuestro volumen proviene en realidad de tan solo 4 de nuestros socios.
Esto nos permite invertir en colaboraciones estrechas y relaciones a largo plazo. Más del 80% de nuestro volumen se produce en fábricas con las que hemos venido trabajando durante más de 15 años. A través de nuestra fuerte presencia local en nuestros mercados de abastecimiento, mantenemos un contacto diario con nuestras fábricas asociadas.

Por qué preferimos relaciones respetuosas y a largo plazo
After all that time, we know each other inside out. We have built a genuine partnership over the years, sharing knowledge, voicing concerns (from both sides), improving on efficiency and sustainability. This is a crucial part of being a responsible buyer.
We provide our suppliers with production plans in advance and offer reasonable prices, payment and delivery terms. This prevents our partner factories from working with subcontractors or generating excessive overtime to produce all goods on time. Because we book capacity several months in advance, our suppliers can organise their factories efficiently and more sustainably.
Su garantía de calidad y sostenibilidad
Our partners are carefully selected. Several B&C departments are involved to make sure that our suppliers deliver the quality you expect, but also that they adhere to our sustainability commitments.
- Read more on how we select partner factories.
Thanks to a thorough analysis and prior verification of any new production locations, we are sure that all B&C requirements are met before we place our first order. We consolidate our relationships of trust and ensure that their codes of conduct are aligned with our own corporate social responsibility commitments.
Our suppliers all sign and apply the B&C Code of Conduct that details labour standards, health and safety, anti-corruption, environmental standards, animal welfare, enforcement & compliance commitments. Our Code of Conduct is based on the principles and philosophy of the United Nations Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It also includes all the recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and follows the Fair Wear Foundation Code of Conduct.
This way you can rest assured that our supply chain excels in good practices regarding employment, social rights, environmental protection and faire business practices.