We are member of Fair Wear Foundation

The fashion industry has often been under scrutiny for poor labour conditions or human rights violations. That’s why B&C partnered with the Fair Wear Foundation to ensure that workers in our partner factories are all treated with full respect and dignity.
Together for better labour conditions
Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) is a non-profit, multi-stakeholder organisation that aims to improve labour conditions in garment factories. It has more than 140 members, B&C being one of them.
Internationally and at regional level across garment production countries, Fair Wear Foundation advocates for the rights of garment workers while engaging with factories, trade unions, NGOs and governments.
The Foundation develops a fair fashion norm by running brand performance checks, factory audits and training. It also manages a complaint helpline where workers can report violations. In addition, FWF provides baseline resources such as a Code of Labour Practices, training and dedicated team for specific follow-ups.
Why is B&C a member of Fair Wear Foundation?
Being a member of FWF demonstrates our commitment to improving working conditions at our suppliers’ factories. The Foundation challenges and improves our purchasing practices, it monitors our production facilities and it pushes our compliance guidelines further.
Being a member of FWF expresses our long-standing commitment to social sustainability.
FWF Code of Labour Practices
Central to its work is the Fair Wear code of labour practice. The 8 key points below are essential guidelines for the labour conditions in the partner factories that B&C works with.
- Employment is freely chosen
- Freedom of association and the right to collective negotiation
- No discrimination of any kind in employment
- No exploitation or child labour
- Payment of wages that allow a decent living
- Reasonable work hours
- Safe and healthy working conditions
- Legally binding employment relationship

Making sure that your garments are fair
Fair Wear Foundation audits B&C and its partner factories on a regular basis. The principle behind these audits is continuous improvement. Instead of ending cooperation when standards are not met, FWF sets up corrective action plans per factory. These are reviewed and followed-up on a regular basis with the liaison team.
Next to that, B&C also has a team of 22 people in Dhaka that closely monitors the progress of our factories. Our colleagues visit all factories on a quasi-daily basis. This helps to monitor that the social standards are maintained, but also that no subcontracting is happening.
B&C, through its membership with FWF, wants to be an actor of change, for an inspired tomorrow!