B&C is signatory of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

At B&C, sustainability is a continuous effort. We have a 360° approach to sustainability and our products comply with EU health and safety standards. We adhere to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, because social and environmental sustainability is important for us – we hope for you too.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

In 2015, the UN member states agreed on 17 global goals to be achieved by 2030. These include ending poverty and hunger, creating decent work and economic growth, achieving equality and combating climate change. These goals are also the starting point of B&C’s sustainability strategy.

We want to do our part. That’s why we are committed to enforce the SDGs in our markets. We work to make our supply chains more sustainable through multi-stakeholder collaboration.

We proudly contribute to 7 SDGs

Some SDGs are less relevant to our textile imprint market than others. Therefore, we focus on 7 specific goals:

No poverty

  • We support NGOs acting for higher wages, e.g. through the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF).
  • We support farmers in their journey to organic cotton.

Decent work and economic growth

  • Our suppliers comply with ILO (International Labour Organisation) requirements regarding fair working hours, equal pay between genders, no forced or child labour.
  • We contribute to the economic growth of our Asian partners and the livelihood of their workers.

Responsible consumption and production

  • We follow the ILO standards and the FWF code of labour practices.
  • We run social, environmental and governance due diligence processes when selecting new suppliers.
  • We have full traceability and monitoring of our Tier 1 and Tier 2 factories.

Climate action

  • We have increased our share of sustainable fibres.
  • We favour sea freight over air transport.
  • We have a 100% green warehouse that uses solar panels and wind turbines.
  • B&C boxes are 80% made of recycled material and are fully recyclable.

Partnership for the goals

  • We partner with our stakeholders to contribute to a better future.
  • Internally, sustainability is a mindset and a matter for all departments.

Good health and well being

  • We do not use any hazardous substances, as certified by Oeko-tex.
  • We support initiatives that contribute to a healthier life for farmers.

Gender equality

  • Our Code of Conduct requires ‘no discrimation’ of any kind by factory management.
  • We provide training in factories to prevent violence and harassment in the work place.
  • At B&C HQ 50% of the Management Committee is female.